PalmProject - Project Scheduler for PalmPilot
Version 0.7B Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright © 1997-98 PDAWare&trade

Q. How much does PalmProject V1.00 cost and where can I purchase it ?
A. PalmProject V1.00 is priced at US$19.95. You can purchase it directly from PDAWare by mailing either a check or money-order for this amount, plus a shipping and handling fee of $5.00 (California residents please add 7.5% tax) to: PDAWare, 25702 Williamsburg Court, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA. We will mail a 3.5" floppy and documentation to you the next business day.
You can also purchase PalmProject with your credit-card through PalmPilotGear H.Q. or phone them at (800) 741-9070 or (817) 461-3480 or fax at (817) 461-3482.

Q. What are the changes from Version 0.7 Beta ?
A. The new features are:
Multiple projects are supported on the PalmPilot. Up to 10 are displayed at a time. A Date Format option is featured to select between MM/DD/YY (default) format or DD/MM/YY format used in some parts of the world. Task copy and paste feature is implemented. Also several minor bugs have been fixed.

Q. Can PalmProject import/export data to Microsoft Project ?
A. Yes, Version 1.00 has a conduit for this - refer to the user guide. However, note that PalmProject is intended to provide the kind of project scheduling and management needed for most average projects, i.e., simple dependencies, easy to use and understand, whereas MS Project is an industrial-strength project management tool.

Q. Can PalmProject work with Palm OS 1.x ?
A. No, PalmProject uses functions only available in Palm OS 2.0. In fact, PalmProject has not been tested on non OS 2.0 Pilots and therefore is not recommended for anything below OS 2.0.

Q. Can PalmProject create Gantt charts ?
A. The PalmPilot excels at list-based textual display and not at graphical displays. It would be unwieldy to create a Gantt chart with any reasonable resolution and expect users to scroll several screens. Hence, this function is not a feature of PalmProject and may never be.

Q. Can a task have multiple links ?
A. Version 1.00 is limited to a single link only. This link has to be to a previous task i.e. a task with a task number less than the one it is linked to.

Q. How does the "New" button actually work ?
A. Version 1.00 implements the "New" button as follows: If no task is selected, i.e. the task number is not highlighted, the new task will be the first task in the list. If a task is selected, tapping the "New" button will create a new task below that task number and shift down the remaining tasks. All of the links of the shifted down tasks will change to reflect their dependencies with the updated task numbers. For the new task, a default task name of "New Task" is assigned, the start and end dates are today's date and a duration of zero days is assigned. Also the link field is set to 0.

Q. Can a task have durations in hours ?
A. Version 1.00 limits durations to days only. You also cannot specify days in fractions, such as 0.5 or 2.5 - only whole days are allowed.

Q. What are some of the limitations built-in to PalmProject ?
A. The total number of tasks are limited to 99. The number of characters for the task name and the resource are limited to 32.

Q. How can I change the order of the tasks ? Is a task draggable ?
A. This function is not supported directly. Since the project is maintained in a chronological order, you have to know which task comes after which. To change the order or move the task around, you must create a new task at the new location, reenter the information (you can cut and paste from the old task using the Edit Menu) and then delete or overwrite the old task.
PDAWare and PalmProject are trademarks of PDAWare. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
Last revision 3/01/1998
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